

4 years ago

I was interviewed and hired for a position within ...

I was interviewed and hired for a position within CCS as a SOAR specialist. After completing the background screening process (that had me drive an hour away, only to find out the place I was referred to no longer existed and having to drive another hour to the other location provided to me), I was notified that I would start the following Monday. That prior Friday, I received a phone call stating that an immediate hiring freeze has occurred. Other than a sorry and good luck I was not given any further explanation. The Monday (today) that I was scheduled to begin my first day, I came in hoping to receive further information. I arrived at my original scheduled time and sat in the lobby for approximately 30 mins, during which one of the people I was interviewed with came in, and spoke to me stating that she didn t get any call about a hiring freeze despite us being interviewed the same day and both being offered the job. Charon Matthews from HR finally came out and just reiterated that there was a hiring freeze, and neglected to offer any further information. I pointed out how the other person who was also interviewed with me came into work that day; Charon proceeded to tell me that she was allowed to continue working because she had completed turning in her intake information prior to the hiring freeze. I asked to get the explanation regarding the hiring freeze in writing in which Charon stated that she would send it shortly as she was folding up the sticky-note I provided with my email address on it. I stated that I would feel comfortable remaining in the lobby until said documentation was completed and that I was reading what other services were offered by the organization. It was at that point that Charon proceeded to tell me to leave NOW! and that if I did not that I would be removed from the premises. It was at that moment that I told Charon that I was recording the interaction (for legal purposes) and she immediately changed her tone with me. She proceeded to then tell me that she was very busy and would complete the requested documentation on her time and continued to tell me to leave. I stated to her that I was not breaking the law nor any rules by reading the pamphlets provided in the lobby about other services. I told her that I could step outside if that made her feel more comfortable. She continued to tell me to leave, and I then stated that she could call the police if she felt it was necessary despite me being very polite and tactful. She then looked at the receptionist and told her if he gives you any problems, let me know and walked back to I presume to be her office. The receptionist and I Both expressed our concern with the behavior of Charon Matthews and questioned the business policies of CCS before I left (we were talking the entire 30 mins I was waiting prior to Charon Matthews coming out).

CCS has caused me to spend unnecessary time and money for gas that I honestly don t have, hence why I was actively searching for employment. I was humiliated when I had to express to my family and another job that offered me a position in which I declined because I was already told I was hired at CCS, that it was no more. Based on these experiences of mine and others I spoke to who are familiar with CCS, I would NOT recommend anyone to seek employment with this company. It might be a blessing in disguise because I see in reviews they have an issue with clients dying.


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