Flavored Cheesecake

3 years ago

When my wife was pregnant we found out that our so...

When my wife was pregnant we found out that our son had a cleft lip our Doctor set us up with the doctors in Pittsburgh they gave us the option to have birth at home of in Pittsburgh via C-section after talking to our doctor she informed us that she talked to the doctors at Altoona UPMC and said it s not a problem that they have had several babies born with the same condition. so we decided to have the baby in Altoona and drive the next day to Pittsburgh. So the time came to go to the hospital after being put into a room they never checked my wife and a half hour later I had to yell for a nurse that the baby was coming she was in no hurry to get into the room and she comes over to check my wife at the same time an other nurse come pushing the epidural cart into the room the first nurse hurries to get the the phone well telling the second nurse that they won t be needed that it s too late. Then she calls for a doctor then comes over puts my wife into the stirrups the baby already crowning she then pushes on the baby s head to keep him from coming out for almost 15 minutes till the doctor showed up and the doctor tells the nurses she can t deliver the baby till another doctor shows up that she never delivered a baby before, the doctor walks over to check on my wife and tells the nurse to move her hand and my sone comes out and the doctor says guess I just delivered my first one on my own. This was at 5:55am I wait till 8:30am and call the doctors in Pittsburgh and tell them my son was born and updated them on how much he has eaten and they said everything was normal. At 2:15pm my cell phone rings and it s the doctor in Pittsburgh asking me if everything was ok and I said yeah and he asked me why Altoona was transporting my son to Pittsburgh so well on the phone I walk out looking for someone to ask what s going on takes over 5 minutes to find someone well the doctor on the phone tells me theirs no excuses for this that no parents should be left in the dark like we have. Finally finding a nurse she says their not happy with the amount my son has eaten so the doctor on the phone with me asked how many Ounces he s eaten and I told him ( I had everything written down ) he told me that it was perfectly normal but he would be waiting for us to arrive. So it was a good thing my wife didn t get an epidural because by 3pm we were in our car driving to Pittsburgh and if she would have had an epidural she would have had to stay the night in Altoona.

Then 3 weeks later our son gets RSV and we take him back to upmc Altoona where they do rush us right back and put a chest tub into our son and then arrange for him to be transported to Pittsburgh again this time they tell my wife she can go with my son. So I leave go home to get clothes and drive to Pittsburgh, by the time I get to the house pack a bag and start driving again my wife calls just crying and me scared beyond scared ask her what wrong she tells me their not letting her go with him and that CPS and the police were asking here all kinds of questions says a lung just doesn t collapse so I drive back to upmc Altoona and have to answer all kinds of questions( did I drop him, was he in a car wreck, just a sample) finally The test results come back and show he has RSV and they tell us it s ok to leave not once apologizing for what they just put us through. I will never walk into the hospital again.


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