3 years ago


SUPER SPREADER EVENT!!! NO SOCIAL DISTANCING, TOO MANY GROUPS OF PEOPLE AND NO GUESTS WEARING MASKS. After seeing how Kings Island and Cedar Point figured out Covid I felt like amusement parks were safe enough. This is not the case at Kentucky Kingdom. I would like to say that most if not all staff were wearing masks and it was a very hot day, but the praise stops there. Going into the park there was a temperature check and guests were asked to put on a mask when entering so we thought this was a good sign. As we entered the actual park all guest masks came off and it was a free for all for everything. People were standing around in large groups, no spacing when standing in line and I was sneezed on by a kid. After this we just left. Now we are stuck with these season passes we cannot use again because my family safety means more than the cost of season passes. SHAME ON YOU KENTUCKY KINGDOM FOR PUTTING MY FAMILIES HEALTH AT RISK. We are in the middle of a Pandemic and with business being run like this I am not surprised Kentucky Numbers are spiking. SHAME ON YOU KENTUCKY KINGDOM
I was not there long enough to take pictures.


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