4 years ago

I am working on a HBO TB, which is a modular cours...

I am working on a HBO TB, which is a modular course, so you hardly have the same students in the class. Other students who also happen to have that subject are therefore in your class, so you do not have a study buddy. The re-exams are expensive now, I think 195 euros an objection costs 50 euros if not right. said to me. I think exams are very heavily checked, because lowering someone to a 5.4 is acidic, then give a 5.0 or that 0.1, but okay you can find something of that. I have personally experienced an objection where three questions were NOT answered because the teaching material was not given. Very bad you wouldn't have seen it, again 195 euros. Furthermore, the exam assignment is not checked in accordance with certain requirements. I had made an exam assignment, writing a plan of action (my plan of action on my subject so few references) I get a 5 ok can happen plan was not too good I went for a 6 .. When I did my best by applying the process of the book. I have applied two source references there, after all it is my plan of action again a 5 with the message you have not used enough source references. So a nicer PVA and another 5 that is never possible! In contrast, I had to write a PVA for another module there, I get an 8 while I have gone through the same process steps, and I only had 1 source mention. How?? The teachers are self-employed. I can still write a book about the NCOI ps NTI, Scheidegger, Schoevers all the same owner, so no better either !!

My advice GO TO A REAL HIGH SCHOOL !!! and it is cheaper !!

Good luck with the choice.


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