Arend Oscar

3 years ago

2 X with heart complaints included in the Antonius...

2 X with heart complaints included in the Antonius 2X sent home. Make an appointment with the poli Monday ..

I have been a heart patient for 10 years and I feel good when it is wrong, but the Cardiologist saw this differently.
The 2nd X I refused to leave the hospital without a satisfactory solution for me, and after many 5s and 6s I was transferred to the Meander in Amersfoort, arrived there (in an ambulance which was not necessary because I was allowed to go home? ) received perfectly and no discussion about my complaints. Immediately doped next morning and a stand was placed in the dense vein.

I understand perfectly well that where mistakes are made, but that you have to talk like Brugman to save my own life is really going too far for me.
No more Antonius for me ..

Best regards,
H. Kramer.


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