

3 years ago

RiP OFF!!!!!! Still being billed 250 to 300 a mo...

RiP OFF!!!!!! Still being billed 250 to 300 a month when I am not home and havent had a stove plugged in for 6 months. You can't actually reduce your hydro costs with them, it is literally impossible and they just make up what you've actually used. How they get away with overcharging, i don't know, but this utility needs to be investigated for bull$$%^ usage rates.
I got three guelph hydro bills this week and its only Monday. And I checked my mail on Friday. All three for different amounts. Even they can't keep their bogus charging straight. Still ripping people off during COVID too, still paying more for hydro than Toronto. My mums hydro bill out in Calgary this month for a house twice the size of mine that hasnt been upgraded since the 70s was 88 bucks. Mine was 297. Ive been throwing what money I had during quarantine at hydro, to the point of not eating and I still owe nearly a thousand dollars. Thats how much they overcharge me for a house of two people. They know I cant do anything about it and it doesn't matter how much I try to dispute charges or report that I want my metre checked for defects, they tell me I have no choice but to pay it and they absolutely refuse to inspect my meter. They said if I want it checked, I can pay an electrician to do it, which I think is ridiculous, and they can report to alectra. Obviously with paying out a mortgage payment t of a hydro bill every month, an electrician bill is a little out of my budget. I find it pretty sketchy that Alectra refuses to take any sort of ownership over their own meters, especially when there is definitely something wrong with mine. Either the meter is wrong or their system is overcharging or both.

FYI this has got to be the most expensive hydro in the province. A comparable sized house in toronto pays roughly 70 dollars less per month and they use their appliances whereas I dont. I have had to cut back so far to reduce the bill, stove breaker is off, dishwasher breaker is off, laundry breaker off except for once per week, lights not being used, only appliance plugged in is the fridge. All energy star appliances, new windows, new everything and the bill goes up. Friends of mine with bigger houses in kitchener pay way less than I do. When you try to find out why, you get the useless scripted response that rates are determines by blah blah blah which explains nothing. If I lived in my yard in a tent with zero electricity, Alectra would probably bill me

've never had a good experience. Bill's are overinflated, price is highway robbery. 50 dollars in hydro usage with an 80 dollar delivery fee. You will still get charged for hydro you are not using apparently as half of my breakers are always off yet the bill keeps going up. And if you so much as dispute it, you cant even prove it wasnt used and they laugh all the way to the bank. They have a monopoly so they can do whatever they want. They also harass you with the bills, to the point where one week I got 7 gueloh hydro Bill's, in 5 business days. Funny enough, the one I got first was the payment reminder notice for the bill I got two days later. I have a running joke at my empty house, I make a wager about how many guelph hydro Bill's I will get this week, usually it's at least 2 minimum and maxed out at 7. Maybe they should save all that postage and stick with one, maybe 2 per month. I estimate it costs about 15 to 20 bucks for them to harass me each month, since all but one go directly into the shredder without even opening them. 20 bucks multiplied by 100K households.....what a waste.


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