Randy Farrell

4 years ago

BUICK LaCrosse Part 1

BUICK LaCrosse Part 1

I have dealt with Forbes for close to 15 years. During these years I have become friends with some of the staff and a loyal customer. Allow me to relate my latest experiences with Forbes and in particular Brandon Wilson.

Last summer, July 2011, my spouse passed away unexpectedly passed away. Within a day I received a call from Brandon expressing his concern and offering to help in any way he could. A month or so later I did contact Forbes and spoke with Brandon. I now had two Buicks and needed to make some changes in vehicles. So it was now time to rely on Brandon to help get me into a vehicle I would appreciate and enjoy while taking into account my 11.5 year old golden retriever named Tucker and my budget. A tough call considering we (Tucker and I) are both kinda picky. :-)

I arrived for our appointment and was heartily greeted by Brandon. He shared his thoughts and impressions of Peter and how much he enjoyed working with us on our last purchase, an Allure. This would be our 5th car deal with Forbes.

Brandon assured me he could help me purchase any vehicle of my choice from the Forbes line up but had a special car to show me that he was sure I would like. He brought out a lovely LaCrosse 2011. I inspected it. I sat in it. I drove it. I LOVED IT !!

Besides a fabulous deal, Brandon also greatly helped with some estate issues surrounding our former vehicles, insurance and licensing. He and the Forbes Motors team were there 100% for me.

Brandon was a gem and went far beyond his responsibilities as a car retailer in his efforts to support me. Kudos to Brandon for sharing and caring and to Forbes Motors for ensuring that your friendly, conscientious and qualified staff exceed in their chosen careers.

Randy Farrell

BUICK LaCrosse Part 2

On December 28, 2011 I was involved in a serious accident when a driver ran a red light and T boned me in my new LaCrosse 2011. The car was a total write off. It couldn't have happened at a worst time. Christmas season, many people on holidays and everyone very busy with family and friends.

Again the support and help I received from Forbes and their wonderful staff was phenomenal. Brandon Wilson, Ray Lavoie and Jodie Swanston were amazing in their reactions to my situation. All three went way beyond my expected protocol in helping me at a very stressful time. Brandon found me a 2012 LaCrosse, same colour, more options at a wonderful price. Ray made sure that all of my personal items were salvaged from the wreck. And Jodie made the paper work as easy as pie to deal with.

The smiles and words of encouragement from the Forbes' staff meant a great deal. It was heartening to see so many do so much in such a short time. I believe every department played a significant part in the process and everyone ensured that I was looked after in a thorough and gentle manner.

I was completely satisfied when I purchased my LaCrosse 2011 last summer and was elated with the response of the team and with Forbes Motors on the acquisition of my new LaCrosse 2012.

Blessings to everyone at Forbes.

Randy Farrell


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