4 years ago

Very good hotel. Consisting of small main houses w...

Very good hotel. Consisting of small main houses with several apartments and many individual bungalows, this complex is built in a gigantic garden. Flowers, palms, plants of all kinds line the paths. In the evening, when the sun has set and the system is illuminated, it appears again in a completely different light. Really incredibly beautiful.

The rooms are furnished according to the requirements and everything is taken care of.
The family rooms also have a small kitchen and two bedrooms.

In order to cover the long distances quickly or simply out of comfort if necessary, you can call an electric trolley. It comes quickly and brings you from A to B.

Such a large system also brings many people with it. But the mass is lost due to the spaciousness. The only place where all these people meet is when they eat. But due to the large time window, it is distributed very well. In addition, like everything in this hotel, the rooms are very large!

The two gigantic pools are clean and there are also two great pools for the children.

In the evening there are shows and bars, discos and all kinds of entertainment. You can ... but don't have to. You can also just walk through the complex to the sea.

Speaking of the sea. The way to the beach is long. You just have to go through the complex. But even here you can call yourself a caddy.
There is a huge jetty on the beach that extends far out to sea. Here you can drink, eat or just chill out.
On the beach itself, everything is clean. There are restaurants and bars and plenty of decks that are covered. Especially great with children. The water is shallow and it's very clean.

The highlight was the gigantic disco that the hotel hosted on the pier. That was really from the top shelf.

Of course, you have to live with chipped corners in the shower. Uncovered covers, etc. small things. As long as everything is clean, everything is fine.
If you want absolute perfectionism, you pay double that.

I can highly recommend the facility. Great vacation where nothing is missing. Five stars. thanks, people


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