4 years ago

Job fair for a Company that could careless about y...

Job fair for a Company that could careless about you. Stood outside for 3 hrs for a job fair in Tullahoma TN in 93 degree weather in the hot sun. No shade what so ever. This company Shows it doesn t care about the people applying for a jobs the company would not even pass out water or give some kind of shade To people standing in line. After the 2 1/2 hrs the lady decided to pass out applications to everyone in line. She then took the people that had been in line for 30 minutes in front of the others that were there for 3 hrs and brought them straight in for the interview talk about disrespectful and very unprofessional total disregard for people s health. So if you want to work for a company that claims the are Christian based they sure didn t act like it today, make sure you read the disclaimer on the back of the application also because they certainly don t want you to bring claims against them fine print people read it!


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