3 years ago

We have visited Alyeska Resort many times over the...

We have visited Alyeska Resort many times over the past 24 years. We have never been dissapointed until now. The fake smell of evergreen was so overpowering in the lobby and some other areas that it made us feel sick and headache. There is really no need for fake fragrances in a hotel. The view from the Summit room we had was no better than most oher rooms we have stayed in, so the extra fee is not worth the claim. We visited the bar in the afternoon about 2 or 3pm...the staff on duty were EXCEPTIONAL AND DESERVE KUDOS! The server was very freindly and the drinks we had were exceptioanlly prepared! HOWEVER when we returned to that bar that evening things did not go well. We sat in a cubby that had such bright light that was blinding and hot. We asked it to be turned down and were told by the manager that if those light were turned down the rest of the bar was too dark. There could maybe be lower watt bulbs used there. The bartender KYLE made the worst drinks I have ever experienced (once in a blue mule). It was the same order as the afternoon but made completely differently. When I spoke to the manager his answer was that "ever bartender is different" and suggested that the bar "top off my drink with more ginger beer". A hotel of this caliber should have better bartenders and better responses and solutions. We moved to the lower light of the bar top, and tried to settle up with our server from the floor (he was very helpful & friendly bt the way) but we never received our tab to do so. The bartender KYLE said he would take care of it, but didn't except to question why we moved without doing so. We had asked the manger to handle that as well when we asked to move to the bar. I then asked KYLE for a reguar moscow mule and when it came it was in a regular glass that was warm and it tasted absolutly nothing like a mule.(I was still struggling to fininsh the blue mule because we were paying for it) When I asked him how he made it, his response was to tell me "your palet is probably off" and "we use an odd ginger beer". When I told him it tasted awful, he took it away and told me "I could make another but it will taste the exact same way". Then we overheard Kyle tell the other bartender (Lyle) and out previouos server to "keep an eye on them the are playing somekind of game" He got a bad attitude towards us, and proceeded to ignore us the rest of the evening. The manger did not seem to care and his responses were pat, and seemed to have no desire to make our experience better. We noticed that in the afternoon, the bartender used blueberry vodka over crushedice wiht no notiable blueberry puree for this drink, but at night he used plain vodka, ice cubes, and so much puree it overpowered all else. I've had may years of experience in bartendind and serving and never gave or had people treat me that way. LYLE seemed like a nice enough guy, but out of his element. I hope he was in training and not just another bad tender. The evening bar also had dirty glasses mixed wihht clean on top of the washer, and the bartenders were smelling the mixing glassesbefore reusing them without cleaning. A bar in a resort of this calibre should have better quality drinks and staff. This experience has made us question wether Alyeska Resort is worth the travel and money any longer.


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