
mikey beddy

3 years ago

About two years ago, my 7 year old daughter ended ...

About two years ago, my 7 year old daughter ended up in another hospital. She was critically ill; and since there was a children's hospital within St. Joseph Regional Medical Center they transferred her there. They put us in a room with another patient (the family of the patient had poor attitudes, were loud & obnoxious). I'm sure it was there upbringing and it is not the fault of the hospital; after all it is in the inner city. She was on the pediatric floor and all the nurses were extremely helpful and polite. My daughter took a turn for the worse!!!! We ended up in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; the staff was very knowledgeable and my daughter got better. I was so appreciative of everybody. Here came the problem; I passed by one of the other beds and realized there was a grown man in the bed. Upon asking one of the nurses why this man was here, they advised me that they take patients up to there 22nd birthday no matter what. I thought to myself, I have a grown man next to me and my daughter. I did not feel safe, I heard his family talk about how he was shot. His friends who were clearly gang members came to visit, I was afraid and uncomfortable almost always. Worse; when this grown man got up to walk, he looked at me in such a way. When I got up to ask the nurse a question he saw me and state "hey shorty, come here". I didn't think he was talking to me at first but then he pointed at me and said "yeah you". He wanted my number? He was repulsive. I would have felt more comfortable if there was a security guard at the door of the ICU, that maybe kept track of who was coming and going. His friends would go to the adult ICU to visit the other gunshot victim and then come down to the pediatric ICU. HOW DO I KNOW THAT SOMEONE WASN'T GOING TO COME TO FINISH HIM OFF? I am a paying customer with private insurance; I did my research, and toured another hospital, just in case she needs to ever be hospitalized again for anything. Other hospitals will only take up to 18, have security at the door of the pediatric floor and pediatric ICU (St. Joseph's Security is only in the lobby, what a joke). They NEVER take any teens who are a part of a shooting, gang members or who are pregnant. (Did I mention that on my right was a teenage girl who was apparently pregnant?) What a great example for my daughter.... LOL As a single mom it's hard enough! I took my daughter for follow up in a different facility; I have to ensure the safety of my family. A pediatric floor should only have pediatric patients with problems that relate to a pediatric patient. Normal children do not get shot, they do not get pregnant and they are not gang members. Normal pediatric floors have patients that are under 18. NEVER WILL I GO TO ST. JOSEPH'S AGAIN. THEY OBVIOUSLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE SAFETY OF THEIR PATIENTS OR THE SAFETY OF THEIR STAFF!!! They obviously do not care about the images that their patients see. Pediatric patients should be sheltered from this type of activity.
Last week; my daughter was rushed to the emergency room via ambulance. . . They took her to St. Joseph because it was the closest hospital . What a nightmare!!!!! We were on the pediatric floor with a PRISONER!!!! What is a prisoner doing on a pediatric floor!!!!! I felt so uncomfortable. . . He was handcuffed to the bed rail and an armed police officer was sitting at the door. Why is it OK to allow these type of patients on the pediatric floor??? My daughter asked me why he was handcuffed to the bed. . . Worst part of all is that I vowed never to return to St. Joes but was forced to by the Ambulance driver. Later I found out that this prisoner was a gang member who was shot by a rivaling gang. . . . WHY ARE THERE GANG MEMBERS ON THE PEDIATRIC FLOOR????? The nurses express discontent about it, yet they were forced to care for a prisoner in the midst of caring for infants and children.


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