Alexandra M Sage

3 years ago

Car Stolen From Parking Garage.

Car Stolen From Parking Garage.
On February 14th my boyfriend and I checked into the Hard Rock, we had dinner, gambled a bit and then went up to the room. We checked out Saturday February 15th. We go out to the parking garage, section 1J to get in the car. Our car is not there. We parked directly next to the stairs in a diagonal spot. We go down to the security counter on the casino floor, the man laughed at us when we said our car had been stolen. He told us a security guard would come get us and drive us around to find our car. We waited about 15-20 minutes for security to come pick us up. We drove around with security on all levels, both sides of the garage clicking the lock and panic button for 1 hour. No luck. Finally the security guard takes us down to the lobby and we call Atlantic City Police Department. While waiting for the police to come, the security guard and what looked to be a manager on duty named Jeff waited with us. Jeff proceeded to ask us questions like are we sure we parked in the garage , are we sure we didn t park outside on the street , did we drive the car in and out last night , did we drink heavily the night before . Not once did he apologize for the huge inconvenience of getting your CAR stolen. The police eventually came and thank goodness were nice and didn t treat us with complete disrespect. The ACPD then drove us to the station to file the police report. While filing the police report they were able to retrieve my license number, the officer then called Jeff from Hard Rock to inform him of the plate number for their records and investigative reasons. While the officer was on the call, Jeff told her that there was no angle on their cameras of where my car was located. Which made no sense to us as this is a casino! In the meantime, I had to have my parents drive 2 hours to pick us up. Police report was filed, my parents picked us up, and we went back to the Hard Rock to ask if Jeff had an opportunity to review anything and if he had double checked the footage. We were told Jeff was no longer on duty and Allie from security came out to speak with us. When we asked if they had an opportunity to review the tapes she stated someone was looking into it, she then followed it up with a few statements that really shocked me. She asked are we sure we parked here , she then followed it up with what do you really want me to do? At this point I was filled with so many emotions I decided it wasn t worth it. I walked away because no one at Hard Rock cared that I checked in for 1 night and went home without my car. Not 1 time did I mention anything about money, but I can t help but think if I sent a meal back I would of gotten better treatment and maybe an apology. I work at an establishment with around 5,000 on campus, I have made it my top priority to let everyone at work and in my personal life know about this horrific place and the way I was treated. Don t spend a penny here.


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