Marco A. M S

3 years ago

it is Funny that on a sea of 1 and 2 star reviews...

it is Funny that on a sea of 1 and 2 star reviews for this airport you see 2 or 3 5 stars , I bet you it was done by airport staff or workers because this Airport if you can call it that, it is a NIGHTMARE I have been thru Miltary airports that are better than this, heck Me & My Fam went to Central America to a 3rd World Country and the Airport was still better than this. It is a Shame that airports like this are allowed to have flights in the Great US of A they should Fired all Admin re-hired new employees and PROPERLY TRAIN the new people, then spend millions of $ to upgrade this sorry excuse of an Airport. if no stars were allowed to put in this reviews I guaranted you there would be a heck of alot no stars in the reviews, because even one star is too generaus for this airport.


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