Timothy Martin

3 years ago

This is my wife and I s first pregnancy. About a m...

This is my wife and I s first pregnancy. About a month ago, my wife thought her water may have broken and so we contacted our midwife and since Saint Vincent s was closest, we went there as she wasn t far along enough at the time to use the birth center at the Midwifery. We are Catholic and, although I was disappointed that we would apparently not be giving birth at our Midwifery, I was glad we were going to a Catholic hospital. That feeling was short lived. As soon as we walked in the building, about 2 AM, the nurse at the front desk didn t ask how we were or anything. I told her what we were there for and she just wanted my insurance information so they could know who to bill. They then kept us waiting in the lobby for about 15 minutes before someone finally came and got us. The nurse s aid who came with the wheelchair for my wife was the single friendly and reassuring person in our entire interaction. She talked with us and was excited for us. I wish I could remember her name but I was so groggy at the time. She then handed us off to two nurses who spent the entirety of our visit talking about us instead of to us. They would discuss my wife s prenatal chart between themselves while we were sitting right there. I chimed in a couple of times just to try and get them to acknowledge us in conversation, but was barely acknowledged. Apparently I talked to them too much because they handed me the tv remote and told us to watch tv. They took a sample of the fluid and sent it to the lab for testing. We waited two hours for the test results which came back negative but were told that the doctor wanted to keep us longer for observation, a clear ploy to drain more money from us. Finally after 5 hours of waiting (it s now 7 AM) we meet the doctor for the first time, the most condescending doctor I ve ever had the displeasure to meet, Doctor Pauloski. He was clearly anti-midwife and was extremely rude to my wife, chuckling when, after being up all night, she couldn t name every midwife at the Midwifery off the top of her head. He then gave her a rough cervical exam, while condescendingly telling her that she wasn t dilated enough to to be in labour (as if she could know that). Finally, after nearly 7 hours, we were allowed to leave. The vibe we got from everyone there was that we were at best an inconvenience to them, and at worst a bunch of backwards bumpkins using a Midwifery who obviously hadn t heard of modern medicine. I m ashamed as a Catholic that this place is a Catholic hospital. Do not recommend it at all.


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