
daleTron casablancas

4 years ago

The building is too smokey... And i smoke.

The building is too smokey... And i smoke.
My Grindr date was forgettable, well really it wasn't because i was kind of catfished. I say forgettable because I'm trying for the life of me to forget about it happening.
So in an effort to replace those memories, I have sumnoned these ones for my review:
The rooms in the dive tower are comfortable and large. The bed was great, clean white linens. But the noise pollution makes you feel like you don't have any privacy as other guests voices are heard through closed doors and other miscellaneous noises just didn't add up to the general level of privacy I'm accustomed to at a resort hotel.
The coffee in the rooms come with a standard condiments packet that is not ample and that's inexcusable.
I liked the shower set up but the water pressure was laughable.
Considering I do smoke, I'll give it 3/5 stars.
I'm being kind today


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