The Ogilvie

3 years ago



Hired O'Connor and Associates in June of 2015 to protest our value in Ft. Bend (as you my know, Ft. Bend had the appraisal fiasco this year that altered the value of several thousand homes incorrectly). Filled out the application and supplied all the requested information. Received an email three days later asking for a document they had not received from our application. Replied and re-forwarded the email that contained the original application that had the document that I was told was missing. Two days later a second request for our closing papers on the house and I send that in within a few hours. Fast forward to September and I call and ask for the status of the hearing. I am told that Ft. Bend is still back logged and most hearing will not happen until October. Call October 11th to inquire again and I am told that the back log still exists and it may be December before the hearing takes place. I contacted them again on December 7th to ask AGAIN and I am told that there is an issue pulling up the records and I will get a call back in an hour. No call so I call back and am on hold for 40 minutes before another person answers with the same response and a promise of a call back the next day. Next day comes, I call and am told the hearing took place, they are unsure of the date, there was no reduction and they will email me the protest packet. Packet is emailed and the Final Evaluation letter from FBCAD is completely blank. I call FBCAD and they tell me (after verifyinh my propert three times) that O'Connor and Associates withdrew my hearing request on June 11th!!!! The deadline came and went and no one ever showed!!! FBCAD said that there is nothing that can be done this year and to take this up with them. I call and am told that since we purchased the home a little over a year ago that "there would probably be no reduction in value". I inform them the entire reason for my retaining them was to attend a hearing and ensure that our home was appraised properly considering FBCAD's computing error earlier this year. No one there is owning up to the issue. There were over 6 opportunities for them to tell me that I was not be represented but instead I was told every time that I called that "things were in motion" and "Ft. Bend is just really backed up". Everyone I talked to today at O'Connor and Associates is taking no ownership of this. I am being told why they chose not to proceed but informed all along that I was being represented. DO NOT USE THEM! They are no longer a member of BBB, I really wish I had seen these reviews and reviewed the lawsuits the State of Texas brought against them prior to retaining them. Now I have no idea if my value is in line with the actual value unless I do all of the legwork myself. However that would all be a waste of my time considering I can do nothing now to protest my value this late in the year.


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