
bob gaines

4 years ago


JUSTIN NYGUEN PLEASE PAY ME WHAT YOU OWE ME, YOU KNOW HOW TO GET IN CONTACT WITH ME. aLSO I HAVE BEEN TO BARKERS PET CENTER AND I HAVE HEARD ALL THE STORIES ABOUT THAT PLACE AND HOW THE EMPLOYEES ARE TREATED, ITS NO SURPRISE, I ALSO KNOW YOU HAVE A PARTNER BY THE NAME OF SHAI MORALI THAT OWNS BARKERS PET CENTER, AND I LOOKED UP ALL THE LEGAL ACTIONS THAT ARE BEEN TAKING AGAINST YOUR PARTNER AND THINGS HE HAVE FILLED, it doesnt surprise me at all .I meet this young man through a Craigslist ad, we agreed to meet at a local coffee shop to discuss the project he needed done. I knew it was in the adult industry and his ad stated "Cash on completion of task" as he lked me to believe it was almost done and just needed a little more work done.

After looking over the project he had in mind, I decided it was going to be major, so I renegotiated our contract to be paid in 10 hour blocks.

After billing him for the first 10 hours, he became elusive and said he would deposit a check into my bank, he wanted all my info, SS, Bank Numbers, Copy of my Drivers License. This did not make sence to me and I begain to get suspisious. After a few hours of emails and Skype conversations, he finally came out and said in an email "So as you are being pushy on payment. I am feeling apprehensive. So I am going to go back to my original plan which is to pay when the entire project is done ."

After which I responded telling him we would not do anymore work on the site until the balance was paid, which by now is at 16 hours. The way he wanted to do it, would have left me 25 to 30 hours in the red.

So, he changed my password so I could not get back on the site to work on it or revert back to the code that was there before I began.

I get the feeling he was trying to get this site built ripping off small programmers like myself and not pay them for as many hours as he could get the to do before they caught on to his deceit as there was evidence that other had worked on it previously.


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