3 years ago

I came to this hospital on a Saturday evening with...

I came to this hospital on a Saturday evening with a stray cat bite that was getting infected. I thought I would have to wait but I was seen immediately by warm, caring nursing staff.
It was determined I would need the full treatment of rabies preventative shots, which were administered carefully and virtually painlessly, by a big, strong ER nurse named OSCAR, who had the gentlest touch ! Oscar tended to me all evening, taking blood samples and checking my vitals as we waited for the hand surgeon to arrive. DR JEFFRY JACOBS, brilliant, confident, warm and passionate about every detail of my care, admitted me into the hospital for overnight intravenous anti-biotics. I wanted to leave, but he suggested I wait until morning in case the swelling had not gone down. Reluctantly, I stayed . By 3
Am my hand was fat, red and hot, and the swelling had slid past my wrist; Dr Jacobs had been right.

My night nurse CINI, took care of everything for me . DR PAN KO, INFECTIOUS DISEASES, came to my room to check on me and my wounds. In the morning, nurses TRAVIS, ABDUL and ZUBAN took bloods, replaced IV FLUIDS ANTIBIOTICS, brought food and drinks , made me laugh; several day doctors who I missed the names of, came in to follow up !
The housekeeping staff and transportation team were ALL LOVELY PROFESSIONAL people !
This hospital may be beautiful now, with its private rooms with en-suite bathrooms, wifi TVS room service and upscale cuisine delivered by tuxedo bow tie service crew ! ( the grilled salmon was NY restaurant good !) but the STAFF are GOLDEN !
Thank you all for being so awesome!
Sadly, this hospital does not have treatment for kids ? Infants and people over 18 but not in between that ?
It would be a Godsend to the area full of families !


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