
4 years ago

Propose 9,000 to this establishment to receive i...

Propose 9,000 to this establishment to receive in return moral insults about having preferred the expenses related to your child rather than asking for a postponement of 24 hours on the settlement.
A big thank you, this is just the beginning.
Obviously all the harres paid will not have been refunded, nor even a part, needless to say that the inconvenience will never have cost so much.
The machine is running believe me.
EDIT: After your answer, so much is to be noted, in this case your chivalrous behavior (irony) but having so few characters to give my opinion on Google, I will only raise one point, given the money that we are going to have already paid, I like to think that the legal costs to you have already been paid. See you soon, believe me. By the way, a little reminder, we did not push twice but once, and it was not for the birth of our son, but because my wife lost the waters two months before the date of the wedding and despite our requests to the hospital, was ordered to remain bedridden until its end date which was not the case, because the nature finally offered it to us with 2 months of advances on its term and 2 weeks in advance on the date of the wedding (In Cesarienne). Thank you again for your chivalrous approach and kindness.
In fact, I confirm, the lie does not really scare you, intriguing also the fact that your lawyers can endorse this kind of speech.
Special mention also for the end of your answer "we will be condemned"
Cornu hat, hotel establishment and judge in his spare time.
Your answer will suffice to prove me right.
On the other hand I read beautifully back and forth, could you please as a judge, to quote me the moment of my "defamation"?
Please, do not use words out of your reach, plus I find another inconsistency, if I counted on this urn to pay you, why wait a few more weeks? I regret to inform you that we do not play in the same course, you try to defend your piece of bread in front of other Internet users, however be careful, you do not play with a child who we try to make believe the father Christmas.
For your culture to the mentality so narrow, and limited as I can see, the insults are not made that of big words, for example when on the phone you tell me that you have to work on more concrete estimates (when we you have already paid 2500 ) this is insulting.
When on Google you answer the fact that we did not want to pay, it is yet you who have proposed to ask our guests to pay their meal that we will refund the next day with the ballot box. If there's white paw, then why not share equally this great discussion we had on the phone? You have, however, if I am not mistaken, the double, that I have carefully written to you to push further, it is the first time that I see a trade refuse an envelope of 4000 more than the 5K envisaged , and you will speak of loss of profit? This is not the impression that gives. Are you talking to me about lawyers? Is the contract I signed legal in the eyes of the law? This is not the opinion of some lawyers (funny is not it?) But whatever, the money that you already have been poured is already out and we live very well without, it's a matter of principle. For an establishment that wants to be professional, I send a cancellation email on Wednesday morning 9:00 am, and I receive your email confirmation of cancellation on Saturday at 18:00, simple excuses would have been enough to stop there.
Do not forget to mention that before my cancellation, in July I even offered to keep 1500 and to return 1000 for the inconvenience.


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