3 years ago

This county jail was absolutely fabulous. I really...

This county jail was absolutely fabulous. I really enjoyed my time there. My cell mate was very charming, we had a long discussion about the wire, (a tv show based in Baltimore). It turns out we had a lot in common. My lawyer made it quite clear that I shouldn't disclose any further information regarding my past.

Very confused regarding the negative reviews. The staff was very thorough when it came time to locking me up. The strip searches were slow but efficient and very effective, the gentleman beside me seems to think I lacked
a lot of affection when I was younger, not quite sure what he meant by that, but I'm sure he meant well. the backtalk from the officer wasn't half as bad from what I'm used to dealing with.

I highly recommend this place for anyone considering spending a night in jail or weeks or months. This place has a lot to offer, a gym, three square meals a day, A plasma TV, very big, not quite sure the size of it but everybody seemed to be happy watching it. A games table that brought a lot of joy to many peoples faces. the guest can be quite charming as well, as long as you keep your mouth shut and your head down nobody should really notice you.

Overall, I have to give this place five stars. I'm looking forward to my return in the near future, I just got to think of a good crime to commit so I will be eligible to get back in. And if you happen to be shopping around for a good tattoo artist there's plenty in this place, they seem to specialize in the ones that go-round your neck or on your neck, I'm not quite sure, somewhere close to your ear. So save yourself the money and you can get a real bargain at this place.

See you soon.


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