
zhang cindy

3 years ago

The most, the most, the worst, the worst experienc...

The most, the most, the worst, the worst experience. We are a 10-day group in San Francisco. Before the trip, we have already explained the time and schedule, and there are detailed numbers and beds. But after we arrived on the first day, the person who came to the airport asked us to wait for half an hour, and brought a very small car, all of us had to guide several times back to the hotel, and the woman also said: I don't know how many people you have. And the first day of the evening! first day! She didn't give all the beds, and on the evening of the first day, she started to collect the money, and it was collected by a different person. The woman who picked up the phone didn't know where to go. Let's ignore him for the time being, we will collect all the money on the first day, and this person is not our guide yet? ! The good time to collect money is not reached! Do n t give money, my mother, I really do n t know what they re thinking. At the last night I received the money at 11:00 and everyone is going to sleep. There are seniors and children in our group. The body is very poor, but this tour group is totally a scum, they will not even care about us, they stayed up late last night before going to bed, said in the morning to leave at 8:00, we will get up at 6:00, Washing and wearing clothes, I will go downstairs to eat at 7:00, and one of the most excessive things so far is that the tour guide who came to collect the money all said that our trip in San Francisco has stayed the same for the past few days. In the hotel, the newly-introduced tour guide said that it was time to change the hotel. We had to wait for their messy group to design the itinerary at night. Who can afford to watch them play monkeys and get sick? , OK, even if I'm a generous person, this is all fine on the first day, turn it over, do you know what happened the next day, the second day's itinerary is the winery, even the wine is not seen, winery ah , Wine, your winery has no wine, neurosis, the whole day's itinerary In the car, who convulsions negative mind so much money to toss our own body to San Francisco car ah! Wine tasting also requires money, restaurants need money, everything needs money, what we are, ATM, how much we have paid, ah. Let s just say wine tasting, OK, I ll pay, but you can show me a wine bottle. I m relying on it. I m not even willing to pretend to be prettier. It s only a two-day trip so far. Keep updating until I dry up the tour group. Well, it is now the fourth day. Since yesterday, our group has been walking with this broken group, first to gather from 4:00 in the morning, without considering our body, we will be at 2:30 The most unbearable thing about getting up, washing, eating, and packing is that today there are two attractions in total, and the rest of the time is all in a hurry. We made a total of 7 or 8 hours of cars, the only thing at noon The meal time left us alone, and gave us 30 minutes, the most important thing is to go to a union station, the tour guide completely ignored us! ! ! ? We still have to collect money. We have all the young and old in our group, and we all stood under the car with a dumb face. It was already night, it was very dark, and it was very cold. After I got off the car, it was completely gone. I couldn't find it. What a shame, so we finally got on another car, or we asked others, and then we made another one and a half hours to the hotel. I changed another person. The woman did n t know where to go before. After sending us to the hotel, I completely let go, let us handle the room by myself, OK, we are all right, one or two people can speak English. What, there are a lot of people who are quite old and do n t even know what to do, but our fake tour guide did n t even enter the hotel door, door! door! Directly tell us all the people in the car: I do n t know who your tour guide is tomorrow, you do n t know who knows, sick, one of us asked her, and the result said: I do n t care about you. I do n t care about him. I ll mention the hotel again. I ll be angry as soon as I mention it. It s good if the whole hotel touches the electricity. It s good if we do n t get electrocuted. There is no mirror in the bathroom. Come, you Tell me, there are no mirrors in your bathroom, brain damage, and there are no wardrobes or even doors, okay, these are trivial things, I do n t care about you. Guess what the air conditioner is doing, blow! cold! wind! You are awesome, okay, we can't get the air conditioner anymore, let's cover the head office by ourselves, not even the quilt! I'll give you a broken blanket. Everyone is frozen in the middle of the night. The next day, a cold, a fever, and a fever. The hotel people didn't cooperate with him at all. Just like that fool, we barely supported Breakfast the next morning. Yes, it s free. I ll give you two slices of bread and some mineral water. I ve had the most unhealthy breakfast in my life. I do n t know what a guide is. Let s wait here. 8:00 Gathering, I'm afraid it's late. I will go downstairs at 7:30, but this is a good tour guide, but came here at 8:30, let us wait an hour and ask her what happened, they said it's okay My thing, their car is stuck in the airport, I want to ask you how it s not your business, how is your business, your car, I do n t care whether you are blocking the airport or the pit, you You can solve the internal problems of the company yourself! Say like our problem? If your car is stuck in traffic, you have to fly over to me. Since you have set a time, you will obey it yourself. What is it that breaks the company, breaks the attitude, breaks the guide! Either asking for money or tipping all day long, as far as I can get away!


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