A- Ali

3 years ago

Today was the final straw for my family and I. We ...

Today was the final straw for my family and I. We came at the Indian ladder farm today because my kids love coming here to see the animals, the cider donuts, muffins, strawberry turnover and so on We arrive at 11:00 Am the kids had the time to visit the animals and play around for about 30 minutes, after that; we headed to the store to buy some Donuts, Muffins, Apples/Strawberries turnover, Honey and BBQ Sauce, as we were leaving my husband asked the lady at the register when was the bar serving food/lunch, She responds 12:00 pm so we walked down the bar and went inside to order some of their apple cider sample and the bartender was there with a friend or maybe another co-worker with dreadlocks, having a drink, they told us only at 12:00 pm they ll open/serve drink or food. I ve asked him since it is only 15 minutes before they are open can my family and I seat down and wait for food and drink while we enjoyed our donuts, he replied go head. We sat down and eat our donuts while the two waitress were putting napkin and sauces at the tables, not once they even knowledge we were humans and seating down at the table, and after that one of them brought the napkin basket and just put it down our table without even a Hi or nothing. At that time it was 12:15 pm and we were still the only people around, my husband went then inside and order some apple cider sample and brought its to our table just then one couple with their 2 teenager arrived, and a group of 2 young couples, and a senor couple came in and sat down, we sat there and looked at the waitress came and geed and talked to each of those people and give them menu but still not a word to us with a 4 year old and a 18 months babies arriving there first since the place was empty, and there is not an excuse they couldn t see us because the couple with the teens were seating a foot from us and arrived 25 minutes after us and they were having lunch while my babies seat there and watch them eat and my 4 year old asking me: Why no one is coming to take our order mommy. Why those peoples eating and we have been seating here waiting before they arrived. It break my heart thousand pieces because we have been coming at this place for 11 years now way before they were even born and as mixed couple we ve been experience weird stuff at the store and at the bar but that doesn t stop you for living or go out because they will always be people that are going to make you feel uncomfortable or says things once you turned your back but we really didn t care but when it come to my babies, this is wrong and borderline racist, there is no other words for it.
Before we left after seating there for exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes, I went inside the bar and let one off the lady so she knows that we ve been seating there with our baby and none of the waitress bother, to even asked if we wanted food or drink after they pass us 100 times back and forth like we didn t even exist.
She told me it was a misunderstanding and run to try to get the waitress to serve us but I say no and we left. After we get in our car and drive by the same waitress standing there talking and laughing with the 2 young couples.


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