Amber S

3 years ago



Pam herself is nice but nice is where the service ends. We found 2 city code maintenance violations our first week of renting; a broken bathtub that leaks onto the floor and a broken electrical outlet that glows red. The landlord, who had us move in without even mentioning he was planning to sell our 4-plex, shrugged us off and soon after We found a note on our door staying that we would have Carefree Property Management as managers rather than him. Still no word that he'd be selling the place. We found out from Pam... We then put in maintenance requests for these items (which the city deems the landlord/management responsible and the city states that the landlord must fix immediately in order to charge rent on the unit) with Carefree.

We were given the excuse "the landlord is not approving any maintenance work at this time". The house was up for sale so the landlord figured he could get away with this. Why have a management company at all if they are not willing to do their one basic job and manage the unit? I'll tell you- Carefree Property Management worked as our Landlord's realtor as well. So the house was sold and Pam got her cut $$$ but we, the renters, had no one to turn to. Carefree Property management only acted as a stand-in for our slum lord, so he could save face and go on a retirement vacation to India.

This cpmpany should be shut down.

Our building sold and now we have a new property management company, Reliance. We put in our maintenance requests and they responded the next day and the maintenance person is here now, fixing our bathtub.

If you find yourself stuck in a renters position with this company, don't let the initial niceness of the woman who owns the company fool you. You must be ready to take issues up with the city and look out for yourself because you can waste time and energy emailing and asking for help and get nothing.


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