4 years ago

For all of you who have posted about the "poor car...

For all of you who have posted about the "poor care", "All they want is money" statements, regarding this "Emergency Veterinary Hospital"....you should all slap yourselves! I'm not even going to ask obvious questions, like do you know how hard it is to become a Vet? I'll just say this....for every review on this wonderful services' page that is negative, know that's 1 client that would not have been able to pay, even their own normal Vet. So please explain to me how a small animal clinic could stay open for business?
You all have no idea the hard work that all these people do behind the closed doors. IF YOU OWN AN ANIMAL, HOW CAN YOU NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD ITS CARE? EMERGENCIES MAY HAPPEN!! You should be prepared or not own an animal. You are the same people who walk into an emergency room and demand to be seen but leave without paying! Or you have no insurance to begin with.
Like the lady who lost her cat and was mad about not getting her cats Meds back so she could put them in the ground with him! Really??? Why wouldn't you go donate those Meds to an animal shelter? Frankly, Because these are the same people who also never volunteer their time or money but expect other to do it for them! Think about it....

Thank you to all the wonderful staff and Doctors who make this after hours service available to us. I am thankful you are here in case I'm ever in need of your services again.


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