
jim chickenshack

3 years ago

"Wellness resources saved my life"

"Wellness resources saved my life"

I found Wellness Resources when I was very ill. I had an illness that no doctors could figure out. I kept praying and asking the lord for answers and then I found the answer. Believe it or not I thought there was something going on with my thyroid. I typed the word "Thyroid" and then Wellness Resources popped up in my browser every time i went to search for something on line "Wellness Resources" kept popping up faster than I could hit enter on my computer and then it kept happening over and over again and I felt like the lord was telling me to try this place and sure enough i talked to this nutritionist that had all kinds of knowledge and knowledge about all the products and she was always there when i needed her, she got me going in the right direction and got me to see the right doctors and the doctor discovered that I had Candida so bad that it was a matter of time before i died. I tried their product Candida helper and I started to feel better and I followed the nutritionist advice about the products that i needed top get better and I kept getting better and better. Today I live a healthy life and I do everything that i did before i got so ill and now my health is better than it ever was before thanks to them


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