3 years ago

Sale of our house was commenced with James, ende...

Sale of our house was commenced with James, ended with Tara.
To say we were disappointed with the service we received is an understatement. At no time did we feel Tara was working for us as the vendor but for herself (commission based) and for the buyer (mortgage broker, securing work on his move to area).
1. James and Tara hard balling on a very low offer, regardless of achieving a good price for us, offer was not even in the range and their pricing of machinery is very questionable...no idea in fact..
2.Dealing with the prospective buyer, not conveying her strategy to us, then coming back at us "fait accompli" buyer has agreed to a price which was not in the range of price on property.
3.Months later presenting us with another offer saying," this will be the last offer from this prospective buyer"' which of course was under again. We resign ourselves to staying, commence additional improvements, back again with another offer which was barley over the low range, we accepted this offer...did not hear from Tara, had to call, ask for documentation of this days later. At no time did we feel that the agent was acting in our best interests which is what they get paid to do..forgot who was paying her, at no time was the agent in constant contact with us but always with buyer.
4. Tara assumes we moved out with our furniture 5 days before settlement, buyer told such by Tara, buyer would not settle as told was vacant possession, we had a bed in house, made for uncomfortable walk through and following settlement day. Buyer loved a cabinet of ours, assumed was to stay in house, wonder where he got that idea from, caused bad feeling between us and buyer, cabinet was not on contract which we had to point out to buyer.
5.Deposit was paid into our solicitors account, Tara saying that is not the way to do things as agent normally holds deposit, had the gall to ring our solicitor to ask if we made a mistake, if they could be paid their commission first on settlement.
6. Tara accepted a 5% deposit from buyer, never informed us of this, just told that is way it is to happen, we would of liked to of accessed this, told no as long settlement, more to the fact, if we accessed, full commission was not available to agent if no settlement.

All about the agent turning property over asap, them getting there parasitic money regardless of achieving the best for the vendor and in the price range specified.
This agency should stick to selling properties in Bryon Bay as Bryon Bay sells itself, name based, easy sell for them..
UPDATE...have the hide to offer us money to remove our review on their lack of service to which consisted of money for a NICE MEAL..Vendors normally are offered this on completion of sale anyway, was never offered on our completion of sale by Tara, never even received a phone call/email. Very unprofessional.
UPDATE 2..Friend of ours who did work for First National in rental maintenance received a call regarding a job that he had secured through another person employed at First National on there personal home threatening that if we didn't remove our review, he would not secure that work that he had secured already.
This is highly unprofessional behaviour from this realestate agency on all levels and shows the lengths they will stoop to remove a bad review to which this needs reporting..and will be reported..


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