3 years ago

I truly and honestly HATE this hospital. I have o...

I truly and honestly HATE this hospital. I have only ever been to this medical center once due to a car crash I was in. The female nurses had a major attitude. There was one middle-aged, redhead who complained to another nurse with blonde hair about assisting me unto the x-ray. Mind you I was in a crash and my mobility was limited due to muscle damage. Also, I was going in and out of consciousness. Her exacts words were, "Do we have to baby him now ?" After the x-rays were done, I was placed in a patient area divided by curtains. Another nurse, a brunette asked if I wanted morphine for my pain. I said no because I hate the affects narcotics have on my body. She gave me an attitude but luckily came back with a non-narcotic pain killer.

There was also a male, African nurse who attended to me, I'll be mentioning him again in a bit. The doctor came in and informed me of my injuries. He also said a nurse would clean up some of the blood on my face and arms (again, remember my mobility was limited). The male, African nurse I mentioned came in, pointed me to the restroom and told me I could wash myself off. I and my family member who came to pick me up decided to just leave. Before we could, the doctor asked the nurses why they didn't attend to the scrapes and cuts I had. The brunette did so after.

The experience I had in that hospital was worse than the car crash. I went back to work as a cashier in Kohl's a week after. The same blonde nurse that gave me the x-ray that was with the redhead came into my store, had an attitude and caused a whole scene. She was mad that she had to wait in line, threw the items she was about to purchase at me and left. God forbid I have another accident. I honestly would rather go to any other hospital than to this one. Heck, I would rather bleed to death on the street than go to this hospital. That is how much I hate this place.


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