Troy Sinclair

4 years ago

Since this congregation has become part of the Uni...

Since this congregation has become part of the United Church of Christ it seems to have lost the stronghold of gay religious conservatives who were hell-bent on creating a liturgy that fed into their former Pentecostal, Southern Baptist, and non-denominational background which was apparent by their oppressive style of worship. A core nucleus of church leaders were determined to keep that toe-tapping Gospel music within the liturgy, reminiscent of the very denominations that stood in condemnation of them.

The liturgy was a hodge-podge of various forms of worship, i.e., southern Baptist and Pentecostal music, a somewhat poorly-orchestrated low Anglican procession, and a Wesleyan style of preaching, straight out of Emery University in Atlanta, which was the highlight of the service. Most disconcerting were the gay and lesbian elders who insisted on laying hands upon you and praying over you at the Altar in what can only be described as "born again" diatribe while you are receiving Eucharist. It was such a confusion of ministries and occurred during the holiest part of the liturgy (Eucharist) Laying of Hands is a good thing and by all means, a healing station is a wonderful ministry, but should be separate and apart from Eucharist, which is when most people are in quiet Communion with God. To combine such a ministry with the holiest part a liturgical celebration is not only confusing, it interrupts a communicant's experiential relationship with her/his Creator. It should also be an elected ministry to pursue and not one that is forced upon the communicant as it was at the Cathedral of Hope. It was not only rude, it was downright presumptuous.

Overall, my experiences were less than stellar and seemed more like a lot of gay men and lesbians who are seemingly playing church and doing more of an in-reach and exclusive ministry rather than an outreach and inclusive ministry. I hope and pray that this congregation has finally developed a spiritual direction as a result of their alignment with the United Church of Christ.


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