Ficherman A
Review of Wake County EMS

3 years ago

On October 20, 2020, Wake EMS came to our house wh...

On October 20, 2020, Wake EMS came to our house when a family member experienced a dramatic seizure that actually did damage to his musculo-skeletal frame. The leader of the team worked so well with the fire station first responders and therefore quickly assessed the situation, calming us and our stricken family member. Very pertinent questions were asked to identify the possible cause, but most important she was very convincing and reassuring in explaining to our reluctant family member why it was imperative that he take EMS to a nearby hospital. We are very grateful for the work of the EMS crew that night, in conjunction with the fire station first responders. Made all the difference!

In our rush, we forgot to thank either crew. Hopefully, this note will make up for that!


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