3 years ago

I had pain in my lungs when I went in. After the n...

I had pain in my lungs when I went in. After the nurse examined me, she went to the other room and I could hear them discussing my case and a lot of giggling. I was shocked to see such un-professional behavior for what could have been a very serious condition. But I was distressed and all by myself and just couldn't gather the strength to tell them that.

They were trying to get me to do an xray and ECG without a doctor even examining me. I refused to do it at first since I try to avoid radiation as much as possible. It turned out to be a muscular distress and was fixed by simple pain killers.

Would you want go to a clinic and be made fun of for whatever your condition is? Would you stand this kind of behavior if it was your kid? And what if they unnecessarily prescribe xrays or other tests for you or your kid only for you to find out later that it could have been avoided?

I'd ask people to go there only if there is no other express care clinic open.


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