Kerri Dreamer
Review of Winona Health

3 years ago

A few months ago my son and i went to ER for breat...

A few months ago my son and i went to ER for breathing treatments because we both have asthma we had had a house fire 3 weeks before we went to the ER we were living in a Hotel in winona the day we went home to meat the service master there to start cleaning my son was in school wile we did some of the cleaning that night we slept in the house was a coughing nightmare so we went to the ER the next day after my son came home from school. After waiting for the Dr in a ER room a nurse came in to ask us questions about me and my son. one of her questions was do i smoke when i told her no i don't she was short with me and exited the room a little wile later An Asian Dr came in to our room and started off preparing me for what he has to say that it was not going to be nice he started raising his voice at me about how he knows i smoke because he can smell it on my clothes and i should be ashamed of my self for smoking with a child who has asthma. my mouth about dropped to the floor then i realized OMG i must smell like smoke as i was unaware of it because i was in it 24 7 cleaning it up with service masters i had cleaned all my sons toys that day with a smoke cleaning solution but my clothes i never changed that day before i went to the ER i hadn't realized i was that bad i didn't put two and two together that this might be causing us the asthma so bad. what i am appalled at is the simple fact the Nurse ran to the Dr and told him i was a liar that she smells smoke there for i must be lying! If she smelled it and i said i don't smoke she could have just asked why do i smell like smoke? Then i would have told her oh ive been cleaning up our house we had a house fire and i think its why our asthma is so bad but no i was stereo typed accused blatantly scolded and humiliated when i walked out of that ER every person in the Er room was staring at me because they had heard the Dr yelling at me through the curtains. I will never go to this ER again what should have been a simple explanation of why was an attack and an accusation instead i felt humiliated and insulted and i was stereo typed. so my advise to you is if you have a house fire and you cant breath make sure to tell them asap why you smell like you do because they wont ask you' they will just ASSUME!
On another occasion my best friend and neighbor woke up one morning with chest pain so she went to the ER and found out her lung had collapsed they did her surgery and put in a tube after a few days she complained her chest was in crushing pain i figured it was just due to her surgery but we took her to the ER any way they found out that the Dr who did the surgery put the tube to close to her heart and every time her heart would beat would cause her so much pain and could cause her a heart attack so they had to re do her surgery to move the tube away from her heart causing her a longer recovery she refuses to go back there and warned me not to i should have listened to her.


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