James Lee Lewis II

3 years ago

I have actually tried to sleep at this facility, b...

I have actually tried to sleep at this facility, because imagine what; yep you guessed it, I got homeless. This temporary, yet dificult situation & decision, is & will always remain a voluntary condition. James Lee Lewis II, will not, nor cannot, ever be forced, "homeless." Personally, I don't care one bit if you believe that last statement or not. It still won't change this fact. This would also include any & all individuals whom delusionally, consider & or portray themselves, as having considerably more power & influence then they actually possess.
However, the purpose of this review is not about me or even what others perceive about me. This review is focused on those unfortunate individuals that have hearts, souls & feelings, as most people do, minus the resources. As previously mentioned, I attempted getting a nights sleep at The Crossroads Center on 3 seperate occasions. Each & every time I was awakened by, what felt like, bugs or insects crawling on me. The latest incident occurred, 08-21-18. Onsite staff took the report. I was offered another mat on the floor but declined as I had on two previous occasions. Off into the lonely dark night I went, carrying only my backpack, my wallet & my dignity.
Apparently, everyone that stays or sleeps there knows that the place is, for lack of better wording, infested with bed bugs. This is where I end this review. I charge my cell phone outside the shelter but I do not enter the shelter. I learned my lesson.


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