Shincy AG
Review of Chrysalis High

3 years ago

Chrysalis High- Varthur

Chrysalis High- Varthur

1. Good options for extra curricular activities- indoor; outdoor and performing arts.

2. Infrastructure/ facility is good.

3. Curriculum/ choice of books- good.. Subject enrichment program and Stem activities are encouraging

4. Teachers- mostly good; among the talent pool available in Bangalore..

5.Admin/ front office staff is courteous...

6.School buses- gps enabled; lady staff present.

7.School located near Varthur road- Gunjur..opp Prestige apartments.On main road; not interior.

1. Attrition of teaching staff. School should motivate teachers and treat their employees well.

2. School should work on its teaching methodology - currently school is not able to balance the curriculum and extracurricular activities that well.

3. Facilities:School bus is like a hot oven by afternoon. Parked in an open ground without shade and closed windows make it difficult for kids as it's non Ac.
Housekeeping :need to improve in places where kids tend to mess up quite a bit.Maintenance and repair of washrooms can be better.

4. Champs/ extra curricular activities- teaching by some coaches are good,some are average...

5. Homework is quite high even in smaller classes like first grade. At least 2 subject per day. Announced exams( unit/ term exam) starting in first grade.

6.Traffic in Varthur road and congestion is a challenge especially after multiple apartments hv come up. The school bus takes longer than initial years and tiring for small kids. Pick up in the morning is as early as 6.30- 6.45 am in many areas.

7.Senior management attitude towards parents during the pandemic crisis.

Few points to note:
After having interacted with many students n parents of Chrysalis it appears that many students are not that serious about studies and the school neither put pressure on students to perform.Class tests are not done frequently and hence many kids study only when exams are announced.( unit test / term exam).
Due to the above reasons some parents move kids to other schools (some to Cbse syllabus) by middle school

The number of admissions in smaller classes is increasingly thanks to the many apartments coming up in that corridor. Number of sections in first grade has increased over the years..in 2019 they hv A-I sections.

The Varthur branch follow ICSE syllabus-
The curriculum team prepare questions for exams with the expectations that kids remember each and every line from the book, whether it is first grade or middle school... however tests are not frequent.

The school could do better in using more audio visual aids and projects to ensure that kids understand the portions required for the vast syllabus .

Update as on mid 2020:during the pandemic. :

School failed in getting the support of many parents during the pandemic months, when it decided to push parents to pay fees with a hike compared to last year. School charged transportation fee for phase 1 even when buses were idle as kids were learning online from home.( If parents opted for transport based on forms submitted way back in previous academic year)
Many parents were against the hike as government had an released a circular banning fee hike in academic year 2020-21 during pandemic. Many prestigious schools followed gov circular,but not Chrysalis.
Primary grades were given only recorded classes in the initial months. Parents were unhappy with this too as many other schools were having interactive sessions. Many kids whose parents didn't pay or delayed phase fee complained of "technical issues "and were unable to access the online/ recorded classes for few days in August- Sep

Parents groups requested for appointment with school authorities to discuss various issues but school was wary of meeting parents in groups even in a virtual platform/ online...this started in the beginning of new academic year in 2020 and continued even in Aug- Sep.
This attitude of the senior management was disappointing during the crisis.


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