4 years ago

It is super exciting at the beginning of your expe...

It is super exciting at the beginning of your experience, but once the truth is realized it becomes downhill and very tedious and bittersweet. I was only attending for two years and I already wanted to leave. They literally only care about you if you can afford the tuition and have high grades. Most of the students are very friendly and courteous., even cheerleaders. There is a high majority of two major ethnicity , one of them is an entire clique. You have to make sure to pick the right friends your freshman year or else the rest of your years will be miserable. What happened to me was just that. The friends I made freshman year turned out to be stuck-up, rich, judgmental know-it-alls.
The school has favoritism towards people who actually do stuff, and especially seniors. Basically, if all you do is study, only a few teachers and people will know you.


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