Doug Keim

4 years ago

"Interned" at New Acquisitions, Summer of 2019

"Interned" at New Acquisitions, Summer of 2019

Pros: Nice front office staff and good location if you live around the North Atlanta area.

Cons: If you are a college student looking for an ACTUAL marketing, communications, or PR internship or apprenticeship, STAY AWAY. The way that they market their jobs/ internships opportunities will say something along the lines of "marketing coordinator, customer relations, [insert industry related job title here] internship," tell you there is opportunity for growth to managerial positions and that you will be working in the office with a bit of travel thrown in. Sounds great right? Well, what they don't tell you, is that the "bit of travel" is going to a Sam's Club, a Costco, or another superstore and selling Direct TV or AT&T at a booth. This is exactly what happened to me last summer, and was a complete waste of time. I quit after a week and a half along with half of the other "interns" that they conned into this type of position.

To job searchers and fellow college students: Don't go this route. They are nice people trying to make a living, I'll say that. However, the living they are making is far from honest. DO NOT GO HERE FOR AN INTERNSHIP, you will waste your precious, limited time that you have in college.

To New Acquisitions: Please be honest about your job advertising. I get that it is hard to bring in talent to do this type of work, but please do not waste the time of college students looking to go into an actual marketing, communication, or PR field. I'm sure you will respond to this with a "we are sorry to hear that! But, here is how you are wrong..." type of response. I'm not wrong, and I hope that whoever reads this won't have the same lies and false reasoning to try and convince your possible applicants and yourselves that what you are doing is right and reasonable.

Also, I left a Glassdoor review, saying I was promised professional marketing and digital media internship experience from you that I never got and never would have gotten if I worked there that whole summer. You replied with "digital media internships don't exist, as far as we know." Feel free to check my resume for the actual digital media experience I got after leaving your company, and it goes to show how much your management lies to young professionals.


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