Daksh siyal

4 years ago

This is my real experience today 7 March 2020

This is my real experience today 7 March 2020
I went for interview at 10:30 am. I got call from invotechinfo Consultancy. Contact person name is Rachna.
From 10:30 to 12:30 we are just sitting. After that they took one written round. After this they told to go for lunch. Not provided by them. Around 3:30 pm one Wipro employee came and told me that our pannel is expecting 3 yrs relevant experience. You have 2 years. They are working in that big company and they don't have common sense that first they have to check all requirements.
This review I write for only one reason that whenever you go for interview please clarify all things before. And after this also they do same thing then your bad luck because we can't do anything about that.


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