
3 years ago

I know the family of the most recent accurate revi...

I know the family of the most recent accurate review and maybe your nurse should have paid attention in high school chemistry to know the difference between chloride dioxide and sodium hypochlorite before making such a decision like calling the police which can affect much more people than just the one you're calling the police on. Thank God the judge who ruled in her favor was smarter than your staff is.
Options makes barely thought out decisions and doesn't think about the affect of their decisions let alone on the receiver's and their client's family, let alone the client themselves. Your client could have gone into an institution where nobody would have cared for him as much as the client's mother did, and does. I seriously question your judgement and that of your staff's if you make such a move as to involve AUTHORITIES when a mother is paying a lot of money to treat her son with alternative medicine that a doctor had SIGNED OFF on just because it doesn't fit your societal norms and pressures of the pharmaceutical industry. You'd think that a business who takes care of severely disabled people would think things out a bit more, but Options doesn't have true compassionate thought when it comes to their clients and wants to only hang on to what they think is best. Never could anything besides your precious pharmaceutical drugs ever work! I truly hope that you have more logical and deductive reasoning when it comes to your future clients, because if not you will run yourself into the ground.


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