Jenna Miller

3 years ago



Inver Grove Toyota completely screwed me for their own personal and financial gain. From a family of Toyota drivers, I was a loyal Toyota customer who was financing my 2009 RAV4 I inquired on high mileage leasing. I imagined I'd be one of the easiest customer ever, walked in already knowing what I wanted, just had to sign. After reiterating my needs for high mileage lease and where my payment needed to be to my sales rep and finance I left with my newly leased vehicle.

1.5 years into my 3 year lease I got an email letting me know that if I kept driving as I had been I'd end up owing $1,800 at the end of my lease. Upon inquiry I was told that I had only 12K miles a year, vs what I asked for, was verbally promised and was told I was signing for, 15K miles a year. When I called the manager to see what they could do I was mailed my paper work and basically told "Well, you signed for it." NO accountability what-so-ever.

At my next service, I went into Inver Grove Toyota and to further discuss, really just looking for a simple acknowledgement; they messed up. I was lied to and taken advantage of. It didn t take long for me to realize it wasn t going to happen. The manager even had the nerve to remind me that "as a woman" I was financed "by a woman" when I didn't even emphasize how or why I was taken advantage of. He was defensive, yet no responsibility taken. Shortly thereafter I was told that all transactions are recorded, but when I asked to review the tape of my lease signing I was responded to with a stunned look and a stutter "W w we don't have those! I don't even know where that's kept?!" and an attempt to change the subject.

After further debate and being encourage to just wait I firmly stated that my concern wasn t money, it was doing business with people and companies that believe in respect, loyalty and most importantly honesty. After practically having to demand to know my pay off amount and mentioning my appointment with another dealership I was "promised" a newer vehicle and lower payment. Interesting that he insisted I d wait to save money when really I could have had a newer vehicle and lover payment, right?! The nerve!! I "promised" to consider and return, left and drove to another dealership. Never again will I do business with a company that takes advantage of people, let alone has no penalty for dishonestly, no accountability and no effort what-so-ever to research or acknowledge the situation.

So instead of having a loyal and Toyota referring customer for life, I say screw you, Toyota - just like you screwed me!


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