
yoko nakahama

3 years ago

Last night, we run to this hospital for my kitty's...

Last night, we run to this hospital for my kitty's emergency. I was following the hospital advice when my kitty had two surgery at this hospital they said come back real fast if my kitty start throw up. That's why we run to this hospital at PM 11:00. When we made there, no patient there at lobby only we were there. When the women Dr came to us for talk, she looks grumpy (no, looks mad) talk with too fast and loud voice. My feel like she want kick me out because we bother to her. She is really rude, and insult me and my kitty with she's word. And she didn't give answer our question. She just said "ask other docter" What mean that!? Why we came down here? She does make sure my kitty's temperature only. Why we needed come here? For make sure temperature? I does it every 2 hours at home! And she said "if you have any question ask other Dr I cannot answer." Who is she?? If I know before, what such kind rude and no brain Dr there, I never come here. 30 min drive made my kitty's stressful too !
She said my kitty don't have value no more for live! I was really sad and dissapointed this hospital.,I loved all Dr,s and all nurses except her,they were greatfull care on my kitty everyday when she stabled. I loved this hospital before I met her! She is not Dr. She is devil!


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