4 years ago

$30.00 ......Really??? Poor service

$30.00 ......Really??? Poor service

They told us check in wasn t until 4 pm. We showed up and our room wasn t ready until close to 4:30pm. I explained to Shawn at the front desk that our kids wanted to go snow boarding tonight. We were there on a promotional which was room plus 2 lift passes promo.
My kids received their lift passes and hit the lift at 5pm. After an hour my two 15 yr olds called and said that they were walking down the Main Road and asked for us to pick them up.
When we asked why they were walking they said that they shut the lift down at 6.

When we checked in we were never told by the front desk that if we used the passes they wouldn t be able to use them for more than an hour.

First of all, I m pretty ticked that my kids had to walk almost an hour back to the hotel.

Second, I went down to the front desk and they said that they were sorry but they could give us a 50% off lift pass but that s the best we could do.

I spoke with the Manager Michael Gray. He proceeded to explain to me that that it s not the hotels fault that I didn t understand that the lift was going to stop in less than one out and that it s not the hotels responsibility to explain it.

I told him that we were not avid skiers and were just coming for a fun family day and asked very kindly if he could just extend the use for a few hours in the morning and we would have been totally happy and appreciative with what he could do for us. He still stood his ground explaining that it s not the hotels fault and the hotel was not willing to accept responsibility.

Honestly with the coin that I am about to drop with the Jr. Suite that we rented, the dinners and extras that we were about to spend at the hotel you would have thought that 30 bucks would have been an easy drop in the bucket to make a family that would drop over $800 for the night happy.

I asked to be connected with his Manager, he told me that he was the highest that it goes. I asked to speak or be connected to an owner and he refused.

I think it is pretty poor service, and they definitely put the dollar before the customer. I won t be back and am going to leave this review on every hotel review site I come across.


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