1968 Pittman

4 years ago

im only writing this because i know some one that ...

im only writing this because i know some one that has a payee there ,and is almost homeless because they refuse to let her get an apartment that she feels safe in. for some resin they keep trying to put her in a unsafe place on the bad side of town where she do not know any one .right now she got a place picked out, she dose have enough coming in to cover the bills ,and all the utilities and still can cover food expenses ,but yet they keep pushing her to live in a crack house, in my book i think some one need to look in to what kind of place this is. something just not right here. she cant even get her money to buy food until she gives in and moves in to the place on the bad side of town. its been 5 mounts now that she has not got payed any thing. they keep telling her she has no money, but the social security office is telling her shes still getting her S S D I and S S I checks .some body must be putting it in there pockets or some thing.


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