Vivek Singaria

4 years ago


PEOPLES PLZ THINK. WHY SO MANY PEOPLE including freshers, candidates, ex-employess, EVERYONE WROTE BAD REVIEW? BECAUSE THE COMPANY IS FRAUD. this is a FAKE and FRAUD compeny only. ALL POSITIVE REVIEW IS BY HR AND CEO using FAKE ACCOUNTs. WHEN GOOGLE CAN ACCEPT FAKE REVUE BY FAKE HR ACCOUNT, IT SHOULD ACCEPT ALL REVIEW RIGHT? NO PF IN THIS COMPENY. WHERE IS PF OFICIALS? PLZ VISIT GLOBUSSOFT. no one is educated. working hours is 10-7.30 official and usualy it goes until 10. NO PF as some1 rote abav. all ilegal only. there is one bd who failed in ba degree and he manages software ingineers. acording to him data analytic product can be done within 5 days. can u believ? also ceo and that bd thinks work can be done by threatening people so that they work. no tech lead, no manegger who know anything. if some1 dont no, ceo shouts WHEN IS ETAAAA? (this is not a truck to estimate arival time for u) u only have to saarch solusion. no one is there to help only. u ask ceo how to do i am struck. he says "al programing is same only. syntax change but all loop looks the same. everything is same. google it. u wil get y u asking me?" becas he also dont no he only want ETA. every start up also has lead in technology, architect without that u cant have company. in this company everything is ceo only and he also dont no anything. he has too mach attitude from his illegal money and nos nothing about software. NO SOFTWARE IS delivared until now al are copy of some other software only they hire in banglore and mandatry they send to bilai. it is a remote place where threat to employe hapens. bd do everything becas he wants incecntive when job is complete. so he threaten. asking eta is every1s job. they dont guide u anything only shout. one day office boy was asking ETA of my project. because ceo was sleeping. for asking ETA u dont need to know teknolagy right? u only need to no litle english thats all. here every1 get same salary 10k. ios developer same, android same, java same testing same office boy also 10k, hr also 10k only. no legal revenue happening. NO PF GIVING they cal start up start up they have 200 employi and started 7 years and stil cal start up to make trend now days. FAKE..


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