Maerie Mae

3 years ago

Watch out for certain second shift nurses if you c...

Watch out for certain second shift nurses if you choose to visit this facility. One of the WORST ER experiences concerning bloodwork techniques and bedside manners of nursing staff that I have ever experienced! I traveled 3 hours to visit this emergency room that was recommended to me and I will never visit this ER facility again! I trusted this ER because I am a patient of Cleveland Clinic's Digestive Disease Institute and find their services highly professional and desirable as a patient. This is NOT the case with the Main Campus ER staff. On November 30, 2020, after traveling 3 hours in severe pain from a suspected intestinal blockage, I was oddly greeted by a male nurse with oversized biceps and an accompanying, short-statured female nurse with blondish hair who both refused to listen to me as a dehydrated patient with small veins due to having no large intestine. I am a long-time, experienced, dehydrated patient who is used to needing 7 sticks before an IV or bloodwork for the last 20 years with no negative reaction or response on my end. I am known as a calm patient that nursing staff appreciates because of my humor and respect and often medical staff think that I am actually a nurse! Brad, the male nurse, immediately tied the tournequette tighter than I've ever experienced in my life. It was aggressive and uncomfortable. At the time, I wondered why he was acting that way. I told him that I was dehydrated and a difficult stick. I requested a smaller-sized needle. He ignored me and used the largest needle, 18 gauge. He jammed it into a brachial area and I asked him to stop. He told me to be quiet and proceeded to ignore my pleas. Because I had been unable to eat any solid foods for 2 weeks, I was weak and starting to pass out. When I noted out loud to the other nurse (the shorter, blond-haired female) that I was feeling sweaty and light-headed and that I was going to pass out, she acted irritated and responded, "Good! We hope you DO pass out so that we can get this done faster!" She proceeded to the other side of the table and started to place a needle in my right forearm. Brad had removed the other mess he had made on my left forearm and was starting in the crook of my left arm now. They both proceeded to jab me with needles in each arm at the same time. I turned and looked into the eyes of the blond nurse on my right and asked why they were both inserting needles. She said so they could get some blood. [Note: the blood samples that these 2 nurses took from me never clotted due to erroneous phlebotomy techniques on their end, so another nurse had to take more blood from me, the same ones a second time]. I told her she was hurting me and asked what sized needle she was using (I typically require a 22-24 gauge due to small veins). She retorted that she HAD to use that size for a CT with IV contrast (Note: I had scopes and procedures scheduled with gastroenterology the next day. I only visited the ER, as per my doctor's instructions, to evaluate
my electrolyte level and
to receive IV fluids to rehydrate for my scheduled outpatient EGD, Pouchoscopy, and CT Enterography with IV Contrast the next day). She proceeded to jam the needle further into my arm and when I looked into her eyes, I could literally see the sadistic pleasure she was feeling by knowingly hurting me. When I asked for someone to call my gastroenterologist, those 2 rude nurses laughed and snapped, "Where do you think you are? You're in an ER and we have a doctor!" I only wanted them to talk to my doctor to confirm my details. I cried and yelled, "Leave my room" bc I didn't trust them. Finally, a female doctor was able to meet with me and properly take my blood. Four out of 6 of the medical personnel that attended to me that night acted like it was their first night on the job. Two of the nurses acted like they didn't care. I found out later it was the end of their shift. So, they must be "those" types of nurses that enjoy hurting their patients. If you like incompetent, rude nurses, then Cleveland Clinic Main Campus ER will be a perfect match for you.


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