Tim Nutter

4 years ago

We are the parents of a beautiful 3 year old boy w...

We are the parents of a beautiful 3 year old boy with ASD & Infantile Scoliosis. We were excited to learn about SCEIC which we were referred to through Early Steps when our son was 2 (pre-diagnosis). We were looking to integrate him into a social environment for a few hours a week to allow him to slowly develop these skills as my wife is a stay at home mom and "play dates" are extremely difficult to organize with a child who is not social. We brought him in for an evaluation with SCEIC and were sent away as he was deemed "socially inappropriate." We were furious and contacted Early Steps to relay the message. SCEIC has since undergone a management change and so we tried again, this time at 3 years old. We brought him in again for another evaluation (with an official diagnosis of ASD and a copy of his IEP). We were very up-front with our desires of a few hours a week for social interaction and waited to hear from the scheduler about enrollment. We were told then that due to the director's "strong feelings" towards consistency, there would not be a place for him unless we were willing to enroll him 5 days a week (at a significantly increased price from our quoted 2 days a week option). We again stated that he already has an IEP and will begin ESE Pre-K (3 days a week) in the fall and we were simply looking to ingrate him into a social environment away from his mother and I to ease the transition into school, but to no avail. I have heard a few good things about this place, but many bad things as well from parents of special needs children and our experiences have been awful. With no option for "regular" daycare, we're stuck. Luckily with family support, we have come up with a plan to simulate a 2 day/week social interaction.

I hope our experience is just the anomaly and other parents of special needs children have better luck. As for us, we've been burned twice now; we'll never attempt to enroll our child here again.


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