Eric Kanavos

4 years ago

Ok so I went with a group of well over 20 people a...

Ok so I went with a group of well over 20 people and from the moment we got to the mountain we had problems... (Others in my group had a great time, I did not.) My troubles started down in the rental area where it was just total chaos. It isn't like other mountains where there is someone to assist you the entire time. As I finally figure out what to do I go to try my boots on and put my skis up against the wall. All of the sudden an extremely rude staff member comes by and tells me that they would not touch my skis and that I had to get the rental package... (unbeknownst to her I had bought the rental package just in case this happened at all.) She then remembered that there was a building at the mountain that did this sort of thing. I said, "Great! would you mind calling over to the place to check just in case they do not size my bindings to my bo-" "I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT THEY WOULD DO THAT FOR $30!" I couldn't believe that she would cut me off. At this point I'm pissed off and I tell her to call. She goes to her boss and gets the answer... (whatever) And she says "good thing you wanted me to ask they will not use the mountains rental equipment... (No apology was given to me.)
After getting my rental equipment after almost two hours of getting out of a line only to get back into a line I was finally ready to get going. I took my friend up to a green trail (He really does not know how to ski.) And half way down he has a bad fall. So after checking him out I decide that it is time for ski patrol to come. And the only good thing about the number is that SKI PATROL'S NUMBER IS ON THE LIFT TICKET (I didn't have my phone with me.) I try to flag down a staff member... And what does she do she skis right by me (3 feet away from me.) and continues down. She even made EYE CONTACT WITH ME! And I yelled and screamed at her.
After twenty minutes of waiting for someone to stop trying to get someone to call some very nice skiiers call ski patrol. They sent an extremely nice mountain host, and he was very nice to us. Finally ski patrol came. They finally got my ski buddy loaded up and down the mountian. At the first aid station everyone was extremely nice and professional.
Now this might have been an isolated incident, but if you are someone who needs to rent equipment be prepared to send at least an hour waiting. And if you are skiing with a beginner or are a beginner the green trails that I skied on had ice patches all over them...


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