Uptown BX

4 years ago

For those that are not aware, the Saftey instructo...

For those that are not aware, the Saftey instructor (Greg) is a real "You know what"! He failed me for not being able to downshift from 10th gear to 1st gear within less than 500 feet! Since when do you have to downshift with a empty trailer from 10th to 1st in less than 500 feet? When he "TRIED" showing me in the yard he grinded the hell out of the gears and he's a Saftey trainer? I did everything else correct and he still failed me. When all the people for orientation gathered around there was this one Female who was gay, "which I don't have a problem with because my sister is gay" we was told that Greg the Saftey trainer passed her and told her that "Gay's have to stick together so you passed"! What kind of crap is that? Another guy told us that he passed and Greg said he'll give him a break after running an intersection! Overall the people in the company "SEEM" cool but they all know eachother and that's that! If your not good with one, your not good with none of them so if you go to Carlile be prepared to face favoritism at its best!


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