Jacquelyn Krogulski

3 years ago

The training is difficult, the pay is small, the h...

The training is difficult, the pay is small, the hours are awkward and hard. They will often schedule you overnights or late even if you have an 8am the next day. Sometimes you have to stay longer past your shift. I had a really bad trainer and two awful trainer experiences and the company atmosphere is just awful (I also would like to add that the with the same trainer another trainee walked out on them mid shift. I have to add that the trainee walked out on their own accord. But in my opinion that says a lot about a trainer). When they were training me, I was ready to just leave and walk out, too. I like scribing but the job itself is really miserable. Physassist doesn t care about you as an individual or your learning style so you better get that chart 100% accurate and quickly to YOUR TRAINERS preferences or else they will dock your points. Every trainer is different, what one trainer may tell you, another trainer will tell you not to do that but try not to get confused. If you do get a bad trainer don t say anything. Just take the abuse because upper levels will always take their trainer side. Oh you also have to sign a noncompete so If you fail their training you can t work for other scribe companies. As a premed: physassist will screw you over. I m glad I don t work there anymore, I honestly would have left anyway. PA was taking up way too much of my time that should be dedicated to school.


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