Collin Dulin

4 years ago

0/5 would def not recommend.

0/5 would def not recommend.

Shortened version of my experience.

Initial offer was made with "room to negotiate" based on knowing that it needed a new battery and had under 3000 miles on it.
Bike was picked up for inspection
Called back with a list of three fixes priced at nearly 2k...

Asked for details.
-Labor to swap a battery
-Oil change
-Swap tire
Reminder HE SAID THIS WAS 2k for an hours worth of work
I had already OEM priced out parts and average labor cost

Then offered 1000 less than initial as a favor. Going back on what we had already discussed BEFORE they picked bike up.

When asked if they could look me in eye and shake hand to that offer and reasoning in person, I was told they would call back.
Was told what they would list bike for, given current pricing, they were taking a loss which made no sense to buy it.

They within half hour found another 500 to add, still 500 below initial starting offer. Reminder they already picked bike up.

During our convos George, the man I was unfortunately stuck dealing with, was rude, and interrupted me during every question or concern I had with his sudden change.

He told me what dealers priced it at, which was a blatant lie as I had the local dealers prices up when I asked if he had researched. During this convo he for some reason felt the need to drop the fact he has a 5 million dollar home on long island sound (true or not), there was no need for this during a discussion where he was trying to skate me out of another thousand bucks.

The entire time I had been on calls, was a complete waste. This man wanted to try and cheap me out as much he could, when it was clear they wanted my bike. They said they had to then charge me to swap it back to full stock, but when asked for my after market parts, told me they wanted to keep them on... Again, another contradictory.

When I went in to just get it over with, there may have been a total of 10 words spoken to me. By far the worst salesman I have ever met, and would suggest that no one return to do business with these guys, or at the least this salesman.

In a time where people are having to part ways with things to pay bills, this guy wants to take advantage so he can brag about his 5 million dollar home during a sales call.


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