
myriam adel

5 years ago

I honestly wish I had the option to rate pcss with...

I honestly wish I had the option to rate pcss with zero stars. I have never been through such a psychologically damaging experience. Often times, I was verbally harassed by the staff when attempting to release bodily fluids in the restroom. In fact, it even reached the point to where they wouldn't allow me to carry out such a natural process when they deliberately locked the bathroom doors near the enterance in the morning. I was consistently treated like a toddler, given no dignity, respect, or reasonable freedom. See the list below for examples.

1. Lining up in the morning. What the hell is that.

2. Point system. What the hell is that. I was saving all my points for a field trip but once I got the right amount, they said "it was too late." It's honestly as corrupt as corruption gets.

3. Recess. A bunch of boys playing soccer, basketball, ect. And the rest of the students have to fend for their life because you can't leave the gymnasium, sometimes even the bathrooms are locked. The chances of being hit in face is pretty big, especially when "the moderator" is too busy blocking the doors from anyone leaving the gym to go back to their class.

4. Sometimes I forget how the nurse looks like because she's barely in school.

5. The only thing I look forward to in lunch is tater tots. The food is usually dry.

6. The teachers are chill and need to be treated better. But the pcss two tends to steal the nice teachers and replace them with others that find joy in failing their students.

7. I love the staff but honestly, this isn't a day care center.

Our work reflects on what you guys do.


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