Ritwik Bose

4 years ago

Tried the tandem kayak tour.

Tried the tandem kayak tour.

Pro: They had a great promotion price.
Pro: Instructor and assistant was helpful to teach me how to kayak, I have kayaked before but never on kayak with a "tail".
Pro: Location is well located (easy accessible).
Pro: Great option because the city is beautiful, and the time is close to sunset which is great too!

Con: Maybe the tour guide was having a bad day but I barely remember him providing any information about what we were looking at in center island.
Con: We rushed randomly throughout the trip (in the beginning) but then we had lots of time in the island. But then coming back we had to rush again. I wish it was more leisurely (longer 30 mins more maybe?) or the tour guide had better planned it so we didn't have to randomly rush (make it more consistent pace throughout). I talked to my friends as well and they said they felt the same where they weren't able to enjoy the surroundings as much because we were rushed to reach the island or come back to Toronto.


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